No need to open a register to do your accounts. In addition to budget apps, you can find software to help you easily manage your personal finances. And this, for free!

This software is presented as an open-source management tool for associations and companies, but it is just as suitable for managing a personal or family budget.
You will find a spreadsheet to modulate according to your fixed and variable costs, but also a function of bank reconciliation, management of charges and invoicing. Fluid and easy to learn, even when you have little basic accounting.
Despite an interface a little sadder than its alter ego Microsoft Money (paid), Grisbi is nonetheless a very practical freeware. It allows you to set your budget according to your wishes but also to carry out several banking operations: change currencies, create a payment schedule, carry out a bank reconciliation or even make a directory of contacts to more easily manage debits and transactions between individuals.
Available on Windows only, HomeBank is one of the easiest software for beginners. You can create your tailor-made budget, plan operations with specific deadlines and manage several bank accounts. It is also possible to export bank files in CSV or QIF format.
Ergonomic, the interface allows you to have an idea of your finances at a glance thanks to graphs and diagrams.
A software whose numerous functionalities make it possible to manage several budgets: yours, that of your family, the treasury of an association or your self-employed activity.
Free for 1 year (then at €49 per year if renewed), JePilote has all the essential options: the possibility of organizing your tailor-made accounting spreadsheet, importing bank statements, and sharing with another authorized manager…
The software is certified by anti-fraud laws for safe use.
Excel et al.
If you have the Office suite and only need a basic accounting table for your daily expenses, you can absolutely use Excel! Same with Google Sheets if you have a Gmail account. OpenOffice Calc can also do the trick if you have this free office suite.
You have 2 options: set up your accounting spreadsheet yourself, or take inspiration from models on the Internet. It is possible to download accounting tables: if you wish to do so, always check the reliability of the site and use recognized sites as a priority.
Family, personal, associative accounting… Accounting software can make your life easier to do your accounts more quickly and with more fluidity. Available for free download, this software can be installed on Mac and PC to reliably track your finances. A good complement to budget apps.