In South Korea there are people teaching how to do job interviews in which you will be analyzed by artificial intelligence – FindNow
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In South Korea there are people teaching how to do job interviews in which you will be analyzed by artificial intelligence



The arrival of artificial intelligence aims to change many sectors and one of the most probable is human resources. In South Korea, for example, companies like SK Innovation or Hyundai Engineering & Construction, two of the country’s great titans, already use this technology to hire personnel, so a new need arises: learning to face AI to achieve a job, and as the law of supply and demand dictates, there are people teaching students to get it .

They point out from Reuters that, according to the People & People consultancy, these types of classes “are growing rapidly” and that there are companies that offer a three-hour training package for 100,000 won, which is about 78 euros a change (the average salary in South Korea is 3,090 euros per month, to put the figure in context). It makes sense, since youth unemployment in the country exceeds 10% and school-based reinforcement schools are quite popular (eight out of ten students have ever accessed them).

It’s not always what you say, but how you say it

One of the people who give these kinds of classes is People & People’s Park Seong-jung, who recognizes that video interviews with facial recognition are key . In these, the software analyzes facial expressions such as fear or joy, in addition to the words chosen for the answer. Throughout the interview, the AI ​​asks questions like “You are on a business trip with your boss and you see that he uses his company credit card to buy something personal. What would you say?”

It is a full -blown gamification system . According to Chris Jing of software company Midas IT, “Through gamification, employers can verify 37 different abilities of an applicant and how well the person fits into the position.” The key is not in giving the correct answer, because some questions, like the previous one, do not have a correct answer, it is not A or B. The key is in how the problem is faced .

In 2019 alone, Park Seong-Yung taught more than 700 students, graduates, and teachers , a relatively low number when you consider that there are 51.47 million people in South Korea, but it appears to be a booming phenomenon. In fact, in a single training session, up to 600 people can gather in a chat room.Almost 25% of South Korea’s largest companies use or plan to use AI in the hiring process

However, success is not guaranteed, because it is not always possible to beat artificial intelligence. Reuters cites the case of Kim Seok-wu, a 22-year-old student. He failed to pass the interview with an AI for a retail company and decided to return to study. According to him, “I think I will feel desperate if all companies turn to AI for recruiting.”

He thinks this type of interview with “too new, so job seekers don’t know what to prepare for and any preparation seems pointless, as the AI ​​will read our faces if we make up something .” According to the Korea Economic Research Institute, almost 25% of South Korea’s 131 largest companies already use or plan to use artificial intelligence in the hiring process.

No need to go to South Korea

Although the case of South Korea is striking, it is not necessary to take a plane to know cases of use of artificial intelligence applied to Human Resources. In Spain it is also used, for example, in L’Oreal , which states that “it can help us improve the candidate’s experience and also be more effective in our recruitment processes in handling a high number of applications” At the moment, in L’Oreal they use AI in a first screening phase that leads to a personal interview.

At Unilever Spain they also take advantage of AI for the selection processes, since “AI eliminates biases and allows people who reach the final interview to have been objectively selected for their skills and power.” Among the tools used by Unilever are 12 online games that are used to assess, for example, the adaptability of candidates.