In the groundbreaking film ‘El Congreso’ , Robin Wright played herself, or at least a version of her who agreed to sell her image, face and expressions to...
Bugatti is a brand that we traditionally associate with high-end sports cars and that is far removed from domestic audio equipment, something that has changed after an...
With less than fifteen days to go to the end of the year, there are several contractual matters still pending for MotoGP 2021. The most important...
Huawei has its mind set beyond mobile. The new HiLink ecosystem aims to become an umbrella for connected devices from multiple brands . An ecosystem of home products that are...
Christmas 2020 will be remembered forever as the Christmas of the pandemic (fingers crossed so that 2021 does not carry the same label), something that requires extreme precautions in...
Thousands of people around the world have ever undergone a medical test (from MRIs to genetic analysis tests, for example) in the framework of a clinical...
Meridian has announced its joining the “Works with Sonos” certification , a seal that guarantees that the firm’s audio equipment will be able to function and be integrated into...
The dance of the teams has already begun and we have the first structure that has 100% assured its future. Tech3 has also signed a five-season contract...
Amazon Sidewalk was announced in 2019 with little noise: The service is aimed at sharing a small fraction of our Wi-Fi connection with our neighbors, who in turn share...
Finally, after a year full of uncertainties, unknowns and doubts, the arrival of vaccines against the coronavirus is good news on an issue, that of the pandemic, in...